The core values of Bertel O. Steen are we challenge, we care and we perform. Everything we say and do shall be true and in accordance with our core values. In this way we create good and lasting relationships with colleagues, customers and suppliers. 

Compliance is an indispensable part of the integrity culture at Bertel O. Steen because compliance is based on acting with integrity and stands for conformance to national and international laws. We have no tolerance for breaking laws, internal regulations and voluntary commitments. We work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

We expect and demand our business partners to respect and follow the same principles.

Read our Policy on Compliance and Social Accoutantability here.

Our Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Other Business Partners (ethical guidelines for our Supply Chain) here.

UN Global Compact

Bertel O. Steen supports the ten principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. 

UN Global Compact